
Our programme of content is currently being curated and will be announced soon - check back shortly for the agenda.

Topics to be delved into during the day will include:

  • PEOPLE: The importance of strong employee engagement.
  • SKILLS: What are companies doing to ensure that the future workforce of the sector has the skills needed? Training and education are paramount.
  • SAFETY: What can we learn from the best-run facilities? In one of the most dangerous sectors to work in, what is the best practice in health and safety?
  • SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: How is EDI embedded into individual businesses as well as holistically across the supply chain?

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In 2023, sessions included:

Embracing EDI to address talent recruitment and retention challenges in the waste and recycling management industry

This session covered topics such as addressing unconscious bias in recruitment and hiring practices, creating a culture of inclusivity and belonging, and implementing effective diversity and inclusion training programmes.

Improving safety in the waste and recycling industry

This was a group discussion around how businesses can embed a strong health and safety culture, and take proactive steps to ensure the health and safety of its workers.

Utilising technology and digitisation for training and skills development

Reconomy discussed its shift towards a more digital training landscape. From training their own people, to customer engagement and waste training across the country.